Here are the steps to setup DSS and Cassandra integration Setup 1: download and install Cassandra WSO2 DSS 3.5.0 is based on WSO2 Carbon 4.4.2 and Cassandra version 2.0 is recommended WSO2 DSS 3.2.2 is based on WSO2 Carbon 4.2.0 and Cassandra version 2.0 is recommended Step 2: download and install WSO2DSS Step 3: configure following operations in DSS Create Key space - UserKS CREATE KEYSPACE UserKS WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1} Create column family - User (id, name, country) CREATE TABLE UserKS.User (id text, name text, country text, PRIMARY KEY (id)) addUser INSERT INTO UserKS.User (id, name, country) values (?,?,?) getUsers SELECT * FROM UserKS.User updateUser UPDATE UserKS.User SET country = ? WHERE id =? deleteUser DELETE FROM UserKS.User WHERE id = ? You can try the abov...