This blog post gives you some examples on how to use createApplication REST API correctly in WSO2 App Cloud Before invoke createApplication API, you need to login to the WSO2 App Cloud and get the session cookie. curl -c cookies -v -k -X POST -k -d 'action=login&<tenant>&password=<password>’ This are some basic example to create applications in WSO2 App Cloud. Create application via upload from file system curl -v -k -b cookies -X POST -F action=createApplication -F applicationName=SampleFile -F applicationDescription=desc -F runtime=1 -F appTypeName=war -F applicationRevision=1.0.0 -F uploadedFileName=sample.war -F runtimeProperties=[] -F tags=[] -F fileupload=@/home/amalka/Downloads/sample.war -F isFileAttached=t...