Let's say you have created an API in API cloud and you have added thumbnail image to it. Now you want to remove it. When you go to the edit api view it allows you to change the thumbnail, but not remove. Let's see how we can remove it. 1. login to the carbon console of gateway node as tenant admin https://gatewaymgt.api.cloud.wso2.com/carbon 2. Go to Resource -> Browse under main menu 3. Go to "/_system/governance/apimgt/ applicationdata/provider" 4. Click on the relevant tenant - you will see list of APIs (eg: amalka-AT-wso2.com-AT-esbtenant1) 5. Select relevant API - you will see api artifact (eg: api1 under version 1.0.0) 6. Click on "api" - you will see list of meta data for that api 7. Remove the thumbnail value from attribute "Thumbnail" 8. Save the API 9. Then logout from the API publisher UI and login in incognito window, you will see thumbnail has removed from your API. ...