If we take a WSO2 product, there are so many config files which contains plain text passwords. This blog post explains how we can secure those passwords. Let's take WSO2 DAS . analytics-datasource.xml file and secure the password in following configuration. Step 1: Go to <WSO2_DAS>/repository/conf/security and add the following line to the cipher-tool.properties file Create alias with file path, xpath to the element and boolean value true. Step 2: Add the following line to the cipher-text.properties file. You have to provide the alias with the plain text password Step 3: Go to <WSO2_DAS>/bin and execute ./ciphertool.sh -Dconfigure This will, - Encrypt the password defined in cipher-text.properties file - Configure the analytics-datasauces.xml as follows Step 4: Restart the server. How to change a password Configure cipher-text.properties file with the password you want to change. You need to remove the encrypted value and replace it...