Let's say WSO2 ESB receives an request with a payload, and we need to create a file using that payload content and send that file to a endpoint.
Here's the required proxy cofiguration.
This sequence builds the message as a multipart/form-data and send it to the endpoint.
If you want to customise MultipartFormDataFormatter, write your own class extending MultipartFormDataFormatter.
Configure it in WSO2_ESB/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file as follows.
This org.wso2.custom.CustomMultipartFormDataFormatter sets the file name as filename.xml, Content-Type as text/xml and payload as the content of the file
Here's the required proxy cofiguration.
This sequence builds the message as a multipart/form-data and send it to the endpoint.
If you want to customise MultipartFormDataFormatter, write your own class extending MultipartFormDataFormatter.
Configure it in WSO2_ESB/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file as follows.
This org.wso2.custom.CustomMultipartFormDataFormatter sets the file name as filename.xml, Content-Type as text/xml and payload as the content of the file