I want to configure the BAM to does not check the presence of Cassandra, Hadoop, etc...
If I do not configure in master-data source, it keeps throwing error saying Hadoop not configured, Hive error etc.
As per, I want to generate reports without using Hadoop, Cassandra, etc...
How to disable all these and instead configure RDBMS (or for local H2)
This scenario is about how to use BAM for purely reporting purposes without using it to publish data or summarize data. You can start the BAM server with analytics and receiver components disabled along with the cassandra components disabled as well.
You can follow the "BAM profiles" sections in [1] to get more information on different BAM profiles.
you can start the server with the following command executed from within the <BAM_HOME>/bin folder.
./ -Ddisable.receiver=true -Ddisable.cassandra.server.startup=true
In a clustered scenario the hive jobs or hadoop jobs will not be submitted to the nodes started with the analytics components disabled and data will not be published to the nodes with receiver components disabled.
I want to configure the BAM to does not check the presence of Cassandra, Hadoop, etc...
If I do not configure in master-data source, it keeps throwing error saying Hadoop not configured, Hive error etc.
As per, I want to generate reports without using Hadoop, Cassandra, etc...
How to disable all these and instead configure RDBMS (or for local H2)
This scenario is about how to use BAM for purely reporting purposes without using it to publish data or summarize data. You can start the BAM server with analytics and receiver components disabled along with the cassandra components disabled as well.
You can follow the "BAM profiles" sections in [1] to get more information on different BAM profiles.
you can start the server with the following command executed from within the <BAM_HOME>/bin folder.
./ -Ddisable.receiver=true -Ddisable.cassandra.server.startup=true
In a clustered scenario the hive jobs or hadoop jobs will not be submitted to the nodes started with the analytics components disabled and data will not be published to the nodes with receiver components disabled.